Briefing Room
A period room where aircrew can muster to go through the intended sortie. The charts are original wartime dated and you will be seated on Air Ministry wooden seating.
The desk is also original Air Ministry along with many of the artefacts positioned on it including a typewriter and RAF telephone originally used for Ops in WW11.
The typewriter is unusual being of the long carriage variety used for typing up the Operations after a bombing raid. The charts include, captain of aircraft, plotting chart of northern Germany and the bomb aimers target map. The clock is original RAF as used in the 1940’s
Behind the desk is a Lancaster main panel complete along with an engineer’s panel. Other period items are situated on the cupboard behind the seating position of the main desk.
A period room, in period colours and décor with period manuals and literature appropriate for the period to set the scene for what is to follow.